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Seed list

The seed list is an audience list for use by our organization's internal employees and quality assurance members.

The seed list function does not save the audience data to the audience database. For use during the campaign execution, the function stores the audience data as a separate audience list. The seed lists cannot be segmented further and are available 'As-is' in the state.

  • The number of lists - For one (1) business unit, the function permits only one (1) seed list for import at a single instance.
  • The number of records - The seed list can hold/import up to 500 records at an instance.
  • The number of attributes - Each record can hold up to 20 attributes per audience record.
  • Column headers - The seed list function permits two (2) column headers for data mapping.
  • Mandatory headers - By default, the function considers the default column headers as 'EmailID', and 'MobileID'.
  • Consider the destination source column as the end user's column header. The function accepts column header selection by the user as desired.
  • Seed list output - The function creates a segmentation list when the seed list gets generated.
  • The seed list gets stored as a new list referred to as the 'segmentation list' table.

Limitations of seed list#

While using the seed list in a campaign, the seed list may not have all the functionalities that are currently available with the use of the target list.

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