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    Get startedAudience data prerequisitesTarget list

Target list

The target list is a distribution list extracted from the current audience utilizing attributes that are selected. Use the target list for single and multi-dimension campaigns.

  • The number of files permissible - Import a maximum of six (6) data files per batch.
  • Each file size - Each data file size must not be larger than 10 MB.
  • Batch file size - The overall batch size must not exceed 60 MB.
  • Column header - The first row of data in the CSV file becomes the row header and defines the columns for a specific import.
  • Mandatory data - The mobile number based on the number of country code characters but excluding the country code gets stored at the backend.
  • Suppose uploading the same file - An error message displays while uploading the data file with the same file name again. The upload function maintains the database version at the backend.
  • Special characters – The application does not support special characters when the ‘Import description’ contains it.

Similarly, other than the CSV file, if any other file is uploaded against the ‘Add audience by’ option, an error message displays to the user.

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