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    Platform guideIntroduction


Marketing is arguably the cornerstone of any organization’s growth strategy. While it usually starts with a focus on brand awareness and customer acquisition, its scope also includes customer engagement and retention. The drastic transformation in the digital landscape over the past few years has not changed this. But, with consumers becoming omnichannel and multi-focused in the way they interact with brands, modern marketers have also needed to deploy marketing arsenals in new ways to achieve the same goals.

Resulticks has been empowering brands to communicate through the power of our platform. Marketers today know they must engage consistently, quickly, and meaningfully across all channels, digital and otherwise. They also know that their connected customers have the power to make or break their brands at a click. All the while, these connected audiences generate vast quantities of data including valuable marketplace intelligence that cannot be stored and analyzed using traditional technologies or tools. The challenge is to make sure that the big data is collected, harnessed, analyzed to gain deep and valuable insights into consumer needs and behaviors; to understand the impact on the business; and based on the analytics, to develop new and more meaningful campaigns that result in top-line growth and even higher ROIs.

The 'Product guide' shares a step-by-step descriptive manual for the new-age marketer to conceptualize, initiate, plan, and execute single or multi-dimensional or event-trigger based campaigns and capture, analyze the consumer behavior through the intelligent analytics generated in terms of Account, Campaign and Audience behavioral performance using Resulticks.

About Resulticks#

Integrated, built, and proven to scale, Resulticks brings together a powerful audience data platform, true omnichannel orchestration, and advanced analytics in one intuitive, flexible solution that delivers measurable business results through individualized, real-time communications.

Resulticks mCloud is where marketing meets automation, and amazing result outcomes. Built by and for visionary marketing practitioners, Resulticks is a truly integrated Real-time Conversation Marketing Cloud platform. For brands and agencies alike, Resulticks equips and enables the delivery of consistent, compelling, highly personalized communication across every channel throughout the entire customer lifecycle, from awareness to engagement to conversion to brand loyalty.

It is designed to give marketers the capability to dynamically target, engage, analyse and respond to audiences both online and offline across multiple touchpoints. Resulticks integrates with multiple data sources and leverages the power of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create high impact engagement and top-line gains.

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