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    API referenceAPI managementAPI gateway

API gateway

An API gateway is an application pattern that acts as a communication interface between the client and a collection of backend services to facilitate requests from the client and delivery of data and its' services. It acts as a single-entry point and channelizes the process for interaction between the organization's apps, data and services and all external clients/brands as well as internal clients.

An API gateway is responsible to process the incoming API requests and channelizing the delivery of resources from the API framework.

The gateway determines if the request is authorized to access the resources. The resources can be an authentication server, load balancer or any related sub-services.

Hybrid API gateway - Resulticks API Gateways can be deployed into multi cloud environments that can also work with API Management SaaS solution, keeping customer (Passport Identifier (PID)) data on-premises leveraging the best of both the worlds: SaaS & On Premise/Private Cloud environments. When hybrid deployments are involved, this approach ensures faster deployment for your API management and developer interface.

Data access - Both Resulticks and authorized third-party systems can access Resulticks data model and standard objects, leveraging SOAP-based web services using XML and JSON. In addition, use the standard HTTP(s)/web service method callouts, to make requests and retrieve information from the third-party system APIs.

Data access security – The third-party systems utilize the OAuth protocol for authenticating REST API calls.

API throttling#

Resulticks API throttling permits to control how APIs are used. It allows the setting of permissions to make and validate API service calls. Throttles indicate a temporary state and are used to control the data that clients can access through an API service. When a throttle is triggered, a user response gets disconnected, or it might just reduce the response rate. Resulticks API throttling define a throttle at the account, application, API, or user level. Reservations are applicable on the API call requests based on Resulticks subscriptions.

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