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    API referenceModulesCampaignOffline conversion

Custom event/offline conversion

Method - Custom event creation#

Consider the method to customize an event creation.

URL: https://domain/api/Campaign/GetAnalyticsDomains

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Conversion attribute mapping#

Consider the method for mapping the attribute termed as ‘Conversion’. The data attributes identified and selected in the ‘Preferences’ module–Data attributes reflect during the campaign creation stage; the data attributes are set in the ‘Offline/online conversion’ by selecting the ‘Conversion attributes’ option.

URL: https://domain/api/ClientManagement/GetDataAttributesList

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get the offline conversions attribute name#

Consider the method to arrive at offline conversion, a metrics for which occurs when the audience acts on the call to action prescribed with the campaign, such as purchasing a product, registering for an event, or downloading a document.

URL: https://domain/api/ClientManagement/GetDataAttributesList

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

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