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    API referenceModulesCampaignCampaign types

Campaign types

In the application, the Campaign module is one of the five key modules. A campaign is a sequence of customer engagement activities created to achieve one or multiple marketing objectives. These activities can involve various digital and offline (For example, in-store) channels of engagement.

The application supports three different types of campaigns, and they are:

  • Single dimension
  • Multi dimension
  • Event trigger

Single dimension - A single dimension campaign delivers communications to a target list through one or more selected digital channels. The single dimension campaign is a one-step delivery method without any follow-up actions. Customize the communication sent out for each channel. The best use of a single dimension campaign is to send out bulk communications to the audiences, groups, or segments through different channels without setting up multi-step activities.

Multi dimension - A multi-dimension campaign enables the multi-step delivery of communications via automated actions sequenced according to a brand’s campaign design or audience responses.

Multi-dimension campaigns involve multiple channels and audience pathways. For example, retargeting contacts through mobile app reminders to open emails that remain not in an open state for a specific length of time and follow-up using SMS for the communications in the open state.

The module enables to set up a multi-dimension campaign using combinations of channels like email, SMS, web notifications, mobile notifications, social media (For example, Facebook, Twitter), advertisements (For example, Facebook, google), QR codes, and digital assistants.

Event trigger: An event-trigger campaign delivers tailored communications in response to critical external events. For example, page visits and CRM updates. An event-trigger campaign is activated based on user-defined rules defined for the dynamic target list used in the campaign.

Method – Campaign types#

Consider the method to select the different types of campaigns, and they are:

  • Single dimension
  • Multi dimension
  • Event trigger

URL: https://domain/api/Campaign/GetCampaignGroup

Request methodRequest type: POST
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Set campaign plan#

Consider the method to set-up the campaign plan, a planning tool that optimally allocates resources. The method enables to setup the campaign name, campaign type/product type, goal, ROI, campaign duration and the channels.

URL: https://domain/api/Campaign/GetBenchMarkdetails

Request methodRequest type: POST
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method – Get dynamic list#

Consider the method to get the dynamic list, which is a consolidated view of information on the most recently created campaign distribution lists.

URL: https://domain/api/Audience/GetDynamicListByCampaignIDCamp

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

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