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    API referenceModulesAudienceSet sftp metadata

Set SFTP metadata

Consider the method to upload/import the audience data through a Secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) to transfer files between computers over a secure SSH secure data stream.

Method - Import mode by id#

Consider the method to import the audience data with a unique identifier (Id) through the SFTP.

URL: https://domain/api/OfferManagement/GetCodeGeneratorOfferData

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get partial preference#

Consider the method to update new audience data when identifying a match; else, the method overwrites the older records-examples, based on the data type, the username and password.

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Check for db connection#

Consider the method to check whether the database connection is available or not while importing data through the SFTP connection.

URL: https://domain/api/Recipients/CheckForDBConnection

Request data:

Response data:

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