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    API referenceModulesCampaignEmail


Method - Set email campaign#

Consider the method to set/plan the campaign settings through the email communication channel. The email campaign supports text, EDM and a standard template.

URL: https://domain/api/Recipients/GetRecipientBunchesForCampaign

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Note: The method’s following response data displays on iframe. URL - https://xxxx/Campaign/UploadCampaignFile

Request method Request type: POST Status code: 200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Smartlink creation#

Consider the method for Smart-link creation, a universal, ready-to-embed individualized, deferred deep link to track user actions and responses during and post communication campaigns. Use the method to set up the Smartlink details on the screen for both Android and iOS.

URL: https://domain/api/SmartUrl/GetSmartUrlDetailByChannel

Request methodRequest type: POST
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Smartlink save#

Consider the method to save the Smartlink creation process.

URL: https://domain/api/SmartUrl/AssignSmartCode

Request methodRequest type: POST
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get test preview(by channel)#

Consider the method to view a test preview of a campaign by each channel-wise such as email/SMS/Web/Mobile push and displays during the campaign authoring process.

URL: https://domain/api/Campaign/GetUserListCampaign

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Create email template#

Consider the method to create an email template, a feature to customize the content of a campaign for an email channel. There are different modes of content creation for an email campaign, and they are Text, Import, and Template. The function enables two options, and they are: ‘My templates’ and ‘Create new templates’.

URL: https://domain/api/Template/GetTemplates

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

In response it will show the template list or given the option to design your template.

Note: Image needs to be added here.

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