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    API referenceModulesCampaignMobile push

Mobile push

Method - Set mobile push campaign#

Consider the method to set/plan the campaign settings through mobile push notifications as the communication channel. Push notifications are messages to update brand users about any significant changes, updates, or status of their product/services through their mobile/desktop. Based on the campaign settings selection, the method redirects to the next level setup screen to set the text and use the template builder.

URL: https://domain/api/ClientManagement/GetClientPushnotifysetting

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get audience list for mobile push#

Consider the method to get the list of audience data for campaigns through the mobile push notifications.

URL: https://domain/api/Recipients/GetRecipientBunchesForCampaign

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Deeplinking and deferred deeplinking#

Consider the method for tracking while using the mobile app wherein deep linking relates to using a uniform resource identifier (URI) that links to a specific location within a mobile app rather than launching the app.

URL: https://domain/api/ClientManagement/GetClientPushnotifysetting

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get the screen list#

Consider the method to get the screens list based on deep-linking and deffered deep-linking.

URL: https://domain/api/Campaign/GetScreenListByAppIdOs

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get subscreen list#

Consider the method to get the sub-screens list based on deep-linking and deferred deep-linking tracking in the mobile app.

URL: https://domain/api/Campaign/GetSubScreenList

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

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