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    API referenceAPI managementWeb API controllers

Web API controllers

Web API is accessed over the web using the HTTP protocol. The Web API is a framework to enable to create and develop HTTP based RESTful services. All Resulticks APIs are organized around REST. All API service calls to Resulticks are made to the base domain. The APIs are designed to have predictable, straightforward URLs and to use HTTP response codes. JSON responses are returned in all responses from the API, including the response error messages.

Understanding web API controller

Web API controller is a class which are created under the ‘Controllers’ folder or any other folder. The name of a controller class must end with ‘Controller’ and it must be derived from the system web ‘Http ApiController’ class. All the public methods of the controller are called action methods. Based on the request call and HTTP verb such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE, the Web API decides which API controller and action method to execute.

Resulticks API call sequence#

The API calls available are categorized as follows:

  • API Keys, for management of accounts and permissions on Resulticks objects.
  • Account Setup, for management of account specification required for campaign executions.
  • Data Ingestion, for management of audience lists, suppression rules and recipient records.
  • Campaign, for management of different campaign types, setup, design and scheduling of campaigns.
  • Campaign response analytics, for consolidating metrics data from campaigns for reporting purposes.
  • Statistical sharing, to enable the push of campaign metrics to client data sources and/or environment.
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