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    API referenceModulesCampaignWeb push

Web push

Method - Set web push campaign#

Consider the method to set/plan the campaign settings through the web push notifications as the communication channel.

Push notifications are messages to update brand users about any significant changes, updates, or status of their product/services through their mobile/desktop. Based on the campaign settings selection, the method redirects to the next level setup screen to set the text and use the template builder.

URL: https://domain/api/Recipients/GetRecipientBunchesForCampaign

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method – Get web notification domain#

Consider the method to get the web domain name for the web push notifications.

URL: https://domain/api/ClientManagement/GetClientwebnotifysetting

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

Method - Get notification campaign#

Consider the method to receive alerts and notifications, which are communications sent by the platform to the application’s notification mailbox, informing them of specific campaigns, actions, events, or changes.

URL: https://domain/api/PushNotification/GetPushNotificationByID

Request methodRequest type: GET
Status code200 OK

Request data:

Response data:

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