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    Platform guideAudienceAudience overview

Audience overview


Audience database is a Master dataset which contains the information of a group of identified prospects, leads and customers. The Audience module provides the following capabilities to the users.

  • Managing the entire audience database, including adding audience from multiple data sources, downloading audience data
  • Managing the audience segments
  • Creating static target lists & dynamic lists for campaigns
  • Accessing audience statistics

Navigating to Audience Module#

Click the Audience module icon in the homepage of the Platform. The Audience module screen will be displayed.


The Audience module has the following components.

  • Master data management
  • Enables the users to view the summary of the audience profile, to add audience by various methods and download audience list. For details, click here

  • Target lists
  • Enables the users to create target lists. These lists are data subsets extracted from the audience database based on specific attributes and used for campaign distribution. Target lists are used in single dimension and multi-dimension campaigns. For details, click here.

  • Dynamic lists
  • Users can also create Dynamic lists which are campaign distribution lists extracted from the audience database based on the occurrence of specific events. These lists are created in real time, automatically, by the application and are best used for Event trigger campaigns. For details, click here.

Module Accessibility#

Super user, Administrator, or the Key contact for the account can access the module.

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