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    Platform guideAudienceDynamic listsCreate dynamic list

Create dynamic list

Create a new dynamic list#

Go to Audience Module >> Dynamic lists. The Dynamic list screen will be displayed.

From this screen, users can create dynamic lists by performing the below steps.

Steps to follow#

  1. Click the icon on the top- right pane of the screen. The New dynamic list screen will be displayed.
  2. Enter the List name. Once the List name is entered, the Rule section will be enabled.
  3. Add Rule โ€“ Group 1.
    • Select trigger source from the drop-down list. Based on the selected trigger, additional fields will be displayed. User needs to enter the appropriate information in these fields by using the drop-down list or by manually entering the information. The users who satisfy the conditions defined for the trigger sources will get added to the dynamic list to be created.

      The list of available trigger sources, the associated fields and the trigger actions are added here

    • Enter the appropriate information in the additional fields by selecting from the drop-down list or by manual entry.
    • Click the icon to add more rows for the Rule group. Each Rule group can have a maximum of 5 rules.
    • Enter the appropriate information in all the additional fields.
    • Select the Match type as All or Any using the radio buttons.
      • Selecting button indicates all the rules must be satisfied in the rule group to create the dynamic list.
      • If button is selected, specify the rules in the group that need to be satisfied for the list to be created.
  4. Note:
    • Click the icon to remove a particular field
    • Click the icon to erase all the information and reset the Source field.
  5. Add Rule โ€“ Group 2 by clicking the icon on the bottom-right of the Rule section. Users can add up to 2 Rule groups
    • Define all the parameters as mentioned for Add Rule โ€“ Group 1 (Refer step 3).
  6. Specify the combination for Rule Groups 1 & 2 using the AND/OR toggle key.
    • Select AND to consider all the attributes defined in both the rule groups for the list creation.
    • Select OR to consider any of the attributes in the rule group for the list creation.
    • Select the symbol associated with the rows to set the condition as mandatory.
  7. Request for approval
    • Select the Request Approval checkbox. The email field will be displayed.
    • Select the email of the approver to whom the request is to be sent.
    • Note:
      • Users can select one or more recipients from the drop-down list
      • If multiple recipients are selected, Approval settings button will be enabled.
    • Click the icon. The below pop-up screen will be displayed.
    • Select All to get the approval from all the approvers (or)
    • Select Any to get the approval from any of the approver, accordingly, select the number from the associated drop-down list.
    • Click the Save button. The request for approval will be sent to the respective recipients.
  8. Click the Create rule button. The Dynamic list dialog box will be displayed
  9. Enter a name for the dynamic list
  10. Click the Save button. The dynamic list is created and displayed in the Dynamic list screen.

List of Trigger sources#

For each Trigger source, select an Action Type from the drop-down list and provide the secondary information in the additional field. The users will be added to the list if the conditions specified in the fields are satisfied.

The available sources of triggers, the associated action types, the secondary information to be entered and who are the users added to the dynamic list under creation are mentioned in the below tables.

Trigger actions based on website#

Trigger SourceAction TypesSecondary parametersTrigger actions that will add the users to the dynamic list
WebsiteWhen a user visits the websiteEnter Website URLThe users who visited the specified website URL
When a user visits a specific pageEnter Page URLThe users who visited the specified web-page URL
New Visitors - All first-time visitors of the website
Returning visitorsSelect the number of times the visitor has returned to the website from the drop-down.The users who already visited the website and exit, returned to visit the website again.
Page viewsSelect the number of times the visitor has viewed the page from the drop-down.The users who visited the page for the specified number of times
Page depthSelect the percentage of Page depth from the drop-down.The users will be added based on the extent (depth) of the visit of the web page (from top to bottom).
Session durationSelect the Session duration from the drop-down.The users who visited the website for the specified duration.
Traffic sourceSelect Traffic source from the drop-down.The users who have been redirected to the website from the specified source.
LocationEnter the location manuallyThe users whose IP address location matches the specified location.
LanguageSelect Language from the drop-down.The users who visited the website from the browsers that are configured in the specified language.
DeviceSelect the Device from the drop-down.The users who accessed the web page via the specified device namely PC, Tablet, and mobile.
BrowserSelect the browser from the drop-down.The users who accessed the web page via the specified browser namely Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla firefox.
Operating systemSelect the Operating system from the drop-down listThe users who visited the website using the device which has the specified OS namely Windows, Linux, iOS etc.
Last Visit

Select last visit from the drop-down

The users will be added based on the selected values.
Sign inSelect Yes or No from the drop-down list
  • Yes - The users who are signed into the website will be added
  • Noโ€“ The users who are not signed into the website will be added
Newsletter subscribedEnter the information manuallyThe users who have subscribed for the newsletter
Custom eventsSelect from the drop-downThe users who have satisfied the specified custom events

Trigger actions based on Location#

Trigger SourceAction TypesSecondary informationTrigger actions that will add the users to the dynamic list
LocationLatitude & Longitude - RadiusEnter Latitude, Longitude and Radius informationThe users who enter the specified radius of the specified Lat-Long will be added
BeaconSelect the Beacon and secondary information (as below) from the drop-down
  • IN
  • OUT
The users who enter/exit the specified beacon area of a premise.
  • Users who are walking IN
  • Users who are walking OUT
City/AreaSelect the City and Area from the drop-downThe users who are in/have entered the specified area and city will be added.
Location URLEnter the location URL or select from the map by clicking the map iconThe users who have entered in the specified location will be added.

Trigger actions based on Subscription Forms#

Trigger SourceAction TypesSecondary informationTrigger actions that will add the users to the dynamic list
Subscription FormFormsSelect the Form name and Status from the below options using the drop-down list
  • Submitted
  • Not submitted
  • Partially Filled
  • Submitted โ€“ The users who submitted the selected form will be added
  • Not Submitted โ€“ The users who have not submitted the selected form will be added
  • Partially Filled โ€“ The users who have partially filled the selected form are added
AttributesSelect the primary and secondary attributes from the drop-downThe users will be added if they have entered the specified attributes into the form.
Form submission date

Select +, -, < or > from the drop-down.

Enter the number of days.

The users will be added based on the selected values i.e., either before or after the specified days.

Example: +2 means users who have submitted the form before 2 days.

Page URLEnter the page URLThe users who have visited the specified form URL.

Trigger actions based on Weather#

Trigger SourceAction TypesSecondary informationTrigger actions that will add the users to the dynamic list
WeatherSummerSelect Weather from the drop-down list and enter the secondary information such as country name, months and so onThe users will be added if their location is based on the specified weather.
Temperature (F)

Trigger actions based on Mobile App#

Trigger SourceAction TypesSecondary informationTrigger actions that will add the users to the dynamic list
Mobile AppSession DurationSelect session duration from the drop-downThe users who opened the App and visited for the specified duration.
UninstallsSelect Yes or No from the drop-down list
  • Select Yes to add the users who have uninstalled the Mobile App
  • Select No to add the users who have not uninstalled the Mobile App
Screen visitedSelect the screen name from the drop-down listThe users who have visited the specified screen will be added.
User typeSelect the User type as Known, Unknown or Identified from the drop-down listThe users will be added to the list based on any one of the below selections
  • Known โ€“ User has accessed the App for a while and the system information is captured
  • Unknown โ€“ First time visitor or
  • Identified โ€“ User contact, location information is captured
App installSelect Yes or No from the drop-down list.
  • Yes - The users who have installed the App will be added
  • No - The users who have not installed the App will be added
App installed date

Select +, -, < or > from the drop-down.

Enter the value in the secondary drop-down

The users will be added based on the selected values i.e. either before or after the specified days.


  • +2 means users who have installed the App before 2 days.
  • -2 means users who will install the App after 2 days (such as for a renewal).
App uninstalled dateSame as App installed date
LoginSelect Yes or No from the drop-down
  • Selecting Yes will add the users who are logged in to the Mobile App
  • Selecting No will add the users who are not logged in to the Mobile App
When a user views a specific screenSelect the screen name from the drop-downThe users who visited the specific screen
Screen viewsSelect the No. of screen views as Less than 2, 2 to 4, 5 to 7 or More than 7 from the drop-down.The users will be added based on the specified number of screen views i.e., the number of times the screen was visited by the user.
LanguageSelect the language from the drop-downThe users who visited the mobile app from the device that is configured in the selected language.
Last activitySelect the last activity from the drop-downThe users who have performed the last activity as per the drop-down.
Operating systemsSelect the OS from the drop-downThe users who have visited the mobile app using the specified OS namely iOS and android
LocationEnter the locationThe users in the specified location.
Custom events Select from the drop-down listThe users who have satisfied the specified custom events
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