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    Platform guidePreferencesSetupForm generatorOverview


What is it?#

Key information from contacts themselves is collected through customized forms that are sent or presented to the contacts. The Resulticks form generator section facilitates this with:

  • Creation and management of progressive profiling forms that:
    • Pre-populate existing contact information
    • Progressively prompt entry of only new information
  • Generation of forms to embed within the web and mobile sites
  • A library of forms that have been created by the organization

Types of resulticks forms#

  • Subscription / KYC form which is used to collect:
    • New contact details for subscription purposes (e.g. for a newsletter or notifications)
    • Additional contact information for existing contacts
  • Tell a friend form which is used to capturing referral contact information.

Authorization and making changes#

Superusers, Administrators and the Key Contact for the account can use this capability.

Accessing the form generator#

  1. Select the preferences module
  2. Select Form Generator from the Setup category.

Using the forms library#

This list of forms displays all the forms created for this Resulticks account and summary information. The status of form indicates if the form has been linked to a campaign. Forms not used in campaigns will display “NA”.

Actions that can be performed on this list :-

  • Create a new form by clicking the plus icon
  • Edit a form to open an existing form and change specifications
  • Duplicate a form to create a new form. A new form is created just above the existing form. Enter the new name and edit.
  • Download data captured through the form, in CSV format. A pop-up is displayed where the data to download is specified by:
    • Selecting the form fields to download from the drop-down
    • Entering the campaign for which the form was used
    • Selecting the time period for which data is required
    • Defining automated download schedules using the toggle switch
  • Publish the form with the creation of a link that is copied to user’s clipboard and can be embedded in web or mobile sites
  • Delete a form, that has not been published yet. Forms linked to in-progress campaigns must not be deleted, to avoid errors
  • Sort the form list by clicking on the column headers, to toggle between ascending and descending sorts
  • Browse the list using the scroll icons
  • Adjust the list size per page using the drop-down

Creating a Form#

  1. Click the “+” icon to show the form selection screen.
  2. Select a form type from the options available.
  3. Select a layout type.
  4. Customize form content using the form editor. Each form and layout has unique requirements. A default form is presented which can then be edited using the editor capabilities.
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